Presentation Tips

Wow Presentation
Presentation Tips

Words to Include, Words to take out for Wow Presentations

Using the most effective words and phrases in your presentations is an art form that accomplished speakers perfect throughout a lifetime. From the start, however, there are many things you can do to avoid common word and phrase issues with your presentation. Most of them center on the use of...
impact of visual aids in presentations
Presentation Tips

Impact of Visual Aids in Presentations

Before you start making a presentation you need to ask yourself what your main goal is, and what message you want to convey. This way you’ll know what to work on in order to achieve your objectives. There are three main characteristics of a successful presentation: Speaking skills – in...
Client Presentations
Presentation Tips

How Designers Screw up Client Presentations?

It can be difficult to create a presentation that fulfills all the criteria of good design, while at the same time matching the client’s goal and the expectations of the crowd. Sometimes, even if you are pleased with the work the designer has done, it does not imply that the...
secrets of remarkable presentations
Presentation Tips

Secrets of Remarkable Presentations

The late Steve Jobs was legendary for his speaking skills. In the book The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to be insanely great in front of any audience, author Carmine Gallo talks at length about the time Jobs would spend putting his presentation plan on paper and then the...
Presentation Tips

Ten Bad Habits That Will Ruin Any Presentation

The impact of a great speech can be jeopardized by bad presentation skills. Habits developed since pre-school days can stay with you and undermine you to your audience. Here are 10 of the most common bad habits to avoid: Bad Habit No. 1: Failing to put your remarks in context...
Presentation Delivery Tips
Presentation Tips

The Most Actionable Presentation Delivery Tips

A speaker can have the most prepared, well thought out talk. But, if the presentation of the talk, falls flat, the message won’t get across. Here are some tips to make sure that your material is presented as well as it’s written. Before the Talk Before you ever arrive at...
6 simple tips for a great presentation
Presentation Tips

6 Simple Tips for a Great Presentation

# Tip 1 When a friend’s daughter became angry with her parents, her response was always the same: “Well, forget you.” Though I’m sure she never realized it, this was great advice for a person giving a presentation. Forget you! It’s like when you’re really interested in doing something and...
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