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Purchase Funnel PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

Purchase Funnel PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

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(15 Editable Slides)

Animated PPT
Purchase Funnel PPT cover slide
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(15 Editable Slides)

Available For
Google Slides
Canva Slides
Slide Formats

Taking the assistance of this well-curated and professionally drafted purchase funnel PowerPoint template and educate your audience. It consists of various kinds of illustrations that you can readily use to draft a winning slideshow. The set can be used by every professional related to sales and marketing. It can help you educate your audience about the subject and work on the purchase funnel for your products as well. Educators, subject matter experts, trainers, or any other professional who would like to draft an informative slideshow on the topic can use this template.


  1. It consists of various kinds of high-definition illustrations, explaining the concept in a comprehensive manner. You can use these diagrams to focus on every stage of the funnel and further connect them together to form the entire structure.
  2. Besides providing a gist of the topic, there are dedicated slides as well. For instance, you can make your audience familiar with social media funnel, traditional funnel, retention and delivery, and so much more.
  3. All these vectors are entirely editable. Therefore, you can alter their size, color, background, etc. easily. You can also customize them further by adding your own content.
  4. The entire set is available in different color themes and comes with a dedicated customer support.

Extremely time-saving and easy to edit, it will let you draft visually appealing presentations without much trouble. The template is based on master slides and will certainly come handy to you time and time again. You can either clip out the slides of your choice or use it readily as well. Simply click on the element that you wish to edit and modify it easily. By using these professionally drafted illustrations, you would certainly be able to draft a striking slideshow in no time.


Purchase funnel is a marketing model that is entirely based on consumers and their behavior. It depicts the overall journey of a customer right from the awareness regarding a product to its post-purchase. It consists of various components, like awareness, interest, intent, evaluation, purchase, and so on. The concept is tightly linked to sales and marketing as it leads to the purchase of a product by creating an evaluated funnel.

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