Public Speaking

public speaking tips to accelerate the growth of your business
Public Speaking

Public Speaking Tips to Accelerate the Growth of Your Business

When you are invited to be a keynote speaker or participate in a public forum, as full as your schedule may be, you want to say yes because of the opportunity it presents to promote your business. Then you sit down to write your remarks and you find yourself stopped...
Public Speaking Rules
Public Speaking

7 Unspoken Rules of Successful Public Speaking

Everyone has opinions on how to develop and deliver an engaging speech. And while many public speakers share some great tips, the majority leave out some hidden but powerful rules of successful public speaking. If you really want to be an effective and successful public speaker, you’ll need to know...
why public speaking is important for leadership
Public Speaking

Why Public Speaking is Important for Leadership

When we think about leadership, we usually picture political leaders who stand at podiums rallying crowds to support their causes; or athletes who spur their team to push their limits and try harder; or executives who develop strategies to help their colleagues edge out the competition. Leaders wear many hats...
Tweetable Public Speaking Tips
Public Speaking

51 Tweetable Public Speaking Tips

Like so many precious jewels, good advice can also come in small packages. A growing number of public speaking specialists are turning to the social media site Twitter to offer nuggets of knowledge that can help aspiring orators. In just 140 characters, they tell us valuable things to make our...
Public Speaking Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs
Public Speaking

5 Public Speaking Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs

If you were to list some of the qualities of an entrepreneur you’d probably say courageous, intelligent, risk-taker, and committed, to name a few. But you would certainly have to include busy on that list. Today’s entrepreneurs have more on their plate than ever before. They’ve got to raise capital,...
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