Public Speaking

Public Speaking Myths You Need to Dispel Right Away
Public Speaking

Debunk These Public Speaking Myths Right Away for a Successful Speech

Most people fear public speaking. However, is it speaking, per se, that is fearful or other things attached to the mind? Do you fear standing in front of people or the judgment that will come from faltering on your part? Is it public humiliation, rejection, judgment of character you fear,...
The Impact of Digital and Social Media on Public Speaking
Public Speaking

The Impact of Digital and Social Media on Public Speaking

We inhabit a fast-changing world now. Technology has brought disruptive changes reflected in everything we see and do. Public speaking hasn’t remained untouched, either. Thanks to digital and social media, public speaking has evolved profoundly, altering everything from how speakers connect to people to how they prepare and deliver content...
A Comprehensive Guide to Paid Speaking Gigs
Public Speaking

A Comprehensive Guide to Paid Speaking Gigs

Do you know that the public speaking industry is expected to reach a market of $2.3 billion by 2025 (source)? And an average public speaker makes around $2500 - $5000 per gig (source)? Intriguing, isn’t it? If you are wondering how, as a speaker, you can, too, land paid public...
How to Be a Professional Speaker?
Public Speaking

How to Be a Professional Speaker?

Professionalism in a presentation comprises almost everything, from how you conduct yourself during the presentation to how you craft your content. What if your clothes are not appropriate? Or if you lash out at people when asked something uncomfortable? Or if your content is not respectful and appropriate? All of...
Women Empowerment through Public Speaking
Public Speaking

Women Empowerment through Public Speaking

Which names come to your mind if we talk about female public speakers? Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, Taylor Swift, and Malala Yousafzai, to name a few - right? With their unique style, these speakers have made their own distinct space and identity in the world of public speaking. By defying...
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