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Warning Signs for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Warning Signs for PowerPoint and Google Slides

128 Downloads so far

(8 Editable Slides)

Warning signs PPT slide 1
Warning signs PPT slide 1 Warning signs PPT slide 2 Warning signs PPT slide 3 Warning signs PPT slide 4 Warning signs PPT slide 5 Warning signs PPT slide 6 Warning signs PPT slide 7 Warning signs PPT slide 8
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Product Details

(8 Editable Slides)

Available For
Google Slides
Canva Slides
Slide Formats

It is a well-established fact that we all respond to signs and visual representations in a better way rather than plain old text. Now, you can also make your presentations look way more interesting with these warning signs. Instead of asking your audience not to proceed in a direction or take certain steps in the usual manner, why not take the assistance of these warning signs PPT slides.

It is an extensive collection of warning signs that you can use in numerous ways. From human figures to commonly known symbols, the set has it all. The template has a universal appeal and can be used by professionals belonging to all domains. It doesn’t matter if you belong to human resources, IT, finance, healthcare, or public safety – the template can be used by you in different ways.

Major features

  1. In this comprehensive template, you can find a wide range of symbols such as stop, danger, no smoking, caution, and more.
  2. There are dedicated signs related to fire exits and emergency exit plans. You can use these illustrations to draft an excavation plan and teach your audience how to handle a hazardous situation.
  3. All these illustrations are based on vectors and can be edited without any extra effort. From changing their background to editing a text, you can do it all without using any third-party tool.
  4. All these vectors are compatible with PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides.
  5. These illustrations have been drafted by our expert designers. You can use them multiple times without worrying about any copyright issue.
  6. While professionals from all domains can use this template, it is a must-have set for individuals related to disaster management, public safety, and other domains.
  7. The template comes with a dedicated customer support as well.

If you draft presentations quite often, then this would be a highly useful template set for you. It will help you every now and then to add something unique and visually appealing to your presentations. You can make them more interesting and help your audience understand the provided content in a better way. Go ahead and download this professionally drafted visual aid right away and draft aesthetically pleasing slideshows in minutes.

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