Applied Vs Fundamental Research

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Applied Vs Fundamental Research


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Available For

Microsoft PowerPoint
Google Slides

Applied and fundamental research are two distinct approaches to conducting scientific research, each yielding unique outcomes and serving different purposes. Therefore, understanding the differences between these two approaches is essential to make informed decisions about research methodologies.

With our Applied vs. Fundamental Research template for Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides, researchers and scientists can explain how applied research focuses on addressing specific practical problems; in contrast, fundamental research is driven by an understanding of theories or principles and a quest for knowledge. Research managers can incorporate these visuals in their presentations to represent the factors for selecting an appropriate research approach.

Impressive Visuals

  • An overview of applied and fundamental research has been showcased briefly.
  • A table embedded with appealing icons portrays the comparison between applied and fundamental research.

Exclusive Features

  • You can edit every object without technical skills or editing knowledge, saving time and effort.
  • The vectors are free from copyright violations, ensuring 100% compliance.
  • You can count on our qualified customer support team to get prompt solutions to your doubts or queries.

Take your current and upcoming presentations to new heights by grabbing this amazing set now!

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