Duty Free Icons

(1 Editable Slide)

Duty Free Icons PPT Slide 1
Duty Free Icons PPT Slide 1

Duty Free Icons


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Available For

Microsoft PowerPoint
Google Slides

We have introduced the Duty-Free Icons for PowerPoint and Google Slides to help you add meaning to your textual information. The slide is loaded with icons of duty-free stores, shopping bags labeled ‘Duty-Free,’ and more.

Government officials can use these icons to visualize information about goods that are exempt from certain local or national import taxes and duties. Airport authorities can use these icons to highlight the range of products available for duty-free purchase, rules and restrictions about duty-free shopping, etc. Additionally, the icons come in handy to accentuate the content about things to remember while buying such goods to avoid potential custom violations.


  • The icons can be altered and aligned with the presentation’s theme without encountering restrictions.
  • The icons’ clarity and quality will remain consistent, even when projected on a bigger display.
  • Our designers have carefully designed the icons to eliminate the room for copyright infringement issues.

Capitalize on the icons contained in this PPT to present in style!

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