Electrical Hazards Icons

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Electrical Hazards Icons PPT Slide 1
Electrical Hazards Icons PPT Slide 1

Electrical Hazards Icons


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Available For

Microsoft PowerPoint
Google Slides

We have designed the Electrical Hazard Icons for PowerPoint and Google Slides to help you improve the effectiveness of your presentation and make it more engaging for your audience. The slide boasts icons of triangles with signs of a high voltage, an electric shock, a skeleton with danger, an electric plug, etc.

Electrical engineers and educators can use these icons in their presentations to educate students about potential electric dangers and precautions. Safety advisors and maintenance staff can also use the icons to visually emphasize guidelines for workers to tackle electrical hazards at construction sites. You can also highlight the dos and don’ts of safely using electronic appliances.


  • The icons can be quickly altered without encountering challenges or restrictions.
  • All icons can be visualized on any screen size without optical resolution loss.
  • The icons are carefully crafted to ensure no user experiences copyright issues.

Make the most of the icons featured in this PPT to make your complex concepts easier to understand!

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