Evolution Vs Revolution

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(2 Editable Slides)

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Evolution Vs Revolution


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Available For

Microsoft PowerPoint
Google Slides

Revolution and evolution are two terms that are often used interchangeably; however, both are different. With our aesthetically designed Evolution vs Revolution PPT template, you can describe the role of these two viable and distinct approaches to changing organizational culture and structure. Senior executives can leverage the deck to highlight that revolution implies a sudden change while evolution means gradual change over time. You can further explain the internal and external factors considered by organizations when choosing between revolutionary and evolutionary changes.

PowerPoint Slides with High-Definition Visuals

  • Based on the characteristics, the difference between revolution and evolution is described via a few quadrilateral-shaped boxes.
  • A brief overview of both types of approaches is concisely and clearly explained.

Stunning Features

  • You can edit the icons, illustrations, etc., to suit your needs without investing much time or effort.
  • The vector-based visuals assure uninterrupted resolution on all screen dimensions.
  • You won’t come across copyright issues, as each element is crafted with meticulous attention to detail.

Put across your message with more conviction and deliver engaging presentations by downloading this compelling template!

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