OKR Progress

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(2 Editable Slides)

With Animated PPT
OKR Progress PPT Slide 1
OKR Progress PPT Slide 1 OKR Progress Animated Presentation - SketchBubble OKR Progress PPT Slide 2

OKR Progress


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Available For

Microsoft PowerPoint
Google Slides

Download our OKR Progress PowerPoint and Google Slides template to describe how well an organization or team is performing in achieving their OKR (Objectives and Key Results). Managers and leaders can utilize this deck to provide an overview of performance, potential obstacles, and the best course of action for corrections. You can also use this set to explain how reviewing and analyzing OKR progress regularly helps enterprises promote a culture of continuous improvement and make informed decisions concerning successful goal accomplishment.

The PPT comprises tabular infographics depicting the stages of OKR progress. The graphics are adorned with calm colors and enough space for text insertion. You can leverage them into your presentations to present objectives, key results, owners, target outcome, actual outcome, final score, and weighted score.


  • You can modify the deck elements without comprehensive technical expertise or external support.
  • The graphic quality will remain the same on all screen sizes.
  • No user will experience copyright issues, as everything has been thoughtfully designed.
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